
Corona / Corona / Foreven

TradeMain Foundation Starts Today

Unification talks between Scorpionis and the Corona Foundation have proceeded much faster than expected.  In a mere two days, representatives of both governments have worked out the myriad details to allow the two neighbors to combine into one central government.

The TradeMain Foundation, as it is to be called, officially comes into being today.  Scorpionis and the Corona Foundation, and the long-standing tensions between the two, are things of the past.

While full details of the new constitution are yet to be released, most important issues have been announced:

While most changes take effect immediately, the changeover to the TMU is to be phased in over time.  By 001-1119, all business must be conducted in TMUs, and by 001-1120 the former currency chits will no longer be legal tender.  Until then, both currencies are taken at a 1:1 face value equivalence, and equivalence with the TMU.

Military command will be unified eventually, but at present the Scorpionis and Corona forces will remain under their current commanders, who now report to the TMF government.  It is clearly important that the defense of the sector not be compromised by the political upheaval.