Subject: Re: So, how was RCR? From: Ron Graff Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 17:44:39 -0400 To: TriDoD list Well, my feet were sopping squishy wet, for the entire trip home. Jaimie and I left (in the rain) right after we were told of the passable road, and ended up walking through a couple of those torrents (in the rain) to check their depth early on . At the top of the road by the stable though, we caught up with Wayne Orwig (in the rain) and the trip thereafter was less frightening, if only for seeing him stay upright. And it rained. And rained. And rained. Then we hit sunny Winston-Salem NC and steamed. I think Firstgear hypertex riding suits keep you mostly dry by funneling all the water into the seam by your crotch. Jaimie's stich only leaked a tiny bit by the zipper of her left leg. Very entertaining trip. Funny how the views from the interstate often far outdo those from the more "scenic" routes. Ron