Honda ST1100

(updated September 99)

Rim Stock Size (91-95) Stock size (96-)
Front 3.00x18 110/80-18 120/70-R18
Rear 4.50x17 160/70-17 160/70-R17

Manufacturers' Recommendations (91-95)

Manufacturer Front size Rear size
Avon AV27 110/80ZR18 AV281 160/70R17
ST22 110/80ZR18 AV281 160/70R17
AV35 Azaro 110/80ZR18 AV36 Azaro 160/70ZR17
AV27 110/80ZR18 AV36 Azaro 160/70ZR17
Bridgestone G547 110/80V18 G548 160/70V17
BT54 110/80ZR18 BT54 160/70ZR17
Dunlop D103F 110/80V18 D103 160/70V17
K591 Elite SP 110/80B18 K591 Elite SP 160/70B17
Metzeler ME-33 Laser 110/80V18 ME-55A 160/70VB17
ME-Z4 110/80ZR18 ME-Z4 160/70ZR17 
Michelin Macadam 50 110/80V18 Macadam 50 160/70V17
Pirelli MT 09 110/80V18  MT 08 160/70VB17
HONDA manual -- 


Manufacturers' Recommendations (96-)

Manufacturer Front size Rear size
(no data)
Bridgestone BT54 120/70ZR18 BT54 160/70ZR17
(no data)
Metzeler ME-Z2 120/70ZR18 ME-Z2 160/70ZR17
ME-Z4 120/70ZR18 ME-Z4 160/70ZR17
(no data)
Pirelli MTR 03 120/70ZR18 MTR 04 160/70ZR17

Martyn's Opinion

General Comments

For the 1996 model year, along with some other minor changes, the stock front tyre size on the ST1100 was changed so that the bike could use radials.  The rim sizes were unchanged.  This means that there is no reason not to run an earlier-model ST1100 on radials -- all that changed was the tyre specification, not the rim.  The 3" front rim is wide enough for the vast majority of 120/70 radials.  So here, despite there being an apparent difference between pre-96 and 96-on models, I'll treat them as the same.

One known problem with the ST1100 is the tendency for headshake under deceleration.  The radials I've selected below (especially the ME-Z4) should minimise that tendency.

The Safe Bet, General Purpose, Touring

Brand Model Size MAW
Front Metzeler ME-Z1 120/70ZR18 $104
Rear Metzeler ME-Z2 160/70ZR17 $124

The safe bet is clearly the well-proven ME-Z1/Z2 combination from Metzeler.  They a fine combination of wet and dry traction, handling, and tread life and, while they're beginning to be surpassed now by other more modern tyres, you still can't do wrong with this classic.  For touring riders, while the ME-Z4 would be better, the Z1/Z2 combination is a good bit cheaper and still very good -- and through a year of high mileage riding, the cost difference will make a big difference.

A Tight Budget

Brand Model Size MAW
Front Dunlop K591 Sport Touring 110/80VB18 $64
Rear Dunlop K591 Sport Touring 160/70VB17 $99

The only reason not to run radials on this bike is the cost.  With radial pairs running over $200 mail-order, dropping back to bias-plies can save $100 over ME-Z4's.  The cheapest of these is the classic K591 Sport Touring tyre from Dunlop, and there's certainly nothing basically wrong with them for this bike aside from a limited tread life.

Sport-Touring, Sport-Riding

Brand Model Size MAW
Front Metzeler ME-Z4 120/70ZR18 (preferred) 
110/80ZR18 (alternate)
Rear Metzeler ME-Z4 160/70ZR17 $147

For anything sport-oriented on a heavyweight motorcycle like the ST1100, Metzeler's new ME-Z4's are the clear winner.  Good wet and dry traction and a construction designed for better highway stability and tread life, they'll do very well on this bike.  A neutral linear profile inspires confidence -- a very nice feature when you're strafing twisties on the motorcycle equivalent of an F-111 rather than an F-16.

Martyn's Choice

Brand Model Size MAW
Front Metzeler ME-Z4 120/70ZR18 (preferred) 
110/80ZR18 (alternate)
Rear Metzeler ME-Z4 160/70ZR17 $147

The best available right now are the Metzeler ME-Z4's -- and I'd pay the extra dollars for the improvements over the earlier Z1/Z2.  My preference would be for the 120/70ZR18 front, but availability is limited; the 110/80ZR18 is certainly a very good alternative.

The Full List

(from MAW and manufacturer web pages)

Well-sized matched pairs

This table lists matched pairs with an exact rear.
Brand Front size MAW match Rear size MAW
Avon AV27 110/80ZR18 $137 excel AV281 160/70-R17 $144
AV27 110/80ZR18 $137 excel ST23 160/70ZR17 $137
AV27 110/80ZR18 $137 excel Azaro AV36 160/70ZR17 $152
Azaro AV35 110/80ZR18 $134 excel Azaro AV36 160/70ZR17 $152
Bridgestone BT54 Sports Touring 120/70ZR18 $94 exact BT54 Sports Touring 160/70ZR17 $114
Dunlop D205 Sport/Touring 120/70ZR18 $95 exact D205 Sport/Touring 160/70ZR17 $116
K591 Sport Touring 110/80VB18 $64 excel K591 Sport Touring 160/70VB17 $99
Metzeler ME-33 Laser 110/80V-18 $90 excel ME-55A Metronic 160/70VB17 $157
ME-Z1 120/70ZR18 $104 exact ME-Z2 160/70ZR17 $124
ME-Z2 120/70ZR18 $96 exact ME-Z2 160/70ZR17 $124
ME-Z4 120/70ZR18 
ME-Z4 160/70ZR17 $147
Michelin Macadam 50 110/80V-18 $102 excel Macadam 50 160/70V-17 $140
Pirelli Dragon GT MTR03 120/70ZR18
Dragon GT MTR04 160/70ZR17 $130
Dragon GTS MTR23 120/70ZR18 
Dragon GTS MTR24 160/70ZR17 $137
Match MT09 110/80VB18 $100 excel Match MT08 160/70VB17 $133

Listing by Manufacturer


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
AV27 110/80ZR18 $137 excel AV281 160/70-R17 $144 exact
ST23 160/60ZR17 $137 exact
Azaro AV35 110/80ZR18 $134 excel Azaro AV36 160/70ZR17 $152 exact
Elan II HL29 130/70HB18 $128 wide
Roadrunner AM20 110/90H-18 $104 tall
Super Venom AM18 110/90V-18 $107 tall
Super Venom AM18 120/80V-18 $108 tall
Super Venom AM20 110/90V-18 $99 tall


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
BT17 Sports Mileage 110/80V-18 $88 excel
BT45 Sports Mileage 110/80V-18 $68 excel
BT50 Sports Perform. 170/60ZR17 wide
BT54 Sports Touring 110/80ZR18 $91 excel
BT54 Sports Touring 120/70ZR18 $94 exact BT54 Sports Touring 160/70ZR17 $114 exact
BT56 Ultra Sports Perf 160/60ZR17 short
BT56SS Extreme Sp/Perf 160/60ZR17 $116 short
BT57 Sports Perform. 120/70ZR18 exact BT57 Sports Perform. 160/60ZR17 $137 short
BT57 Sports Perform. 170/60ZR17 $140 wide
BT92 Sports Mileage 160/60HR17 $103 short
SE11 110/90H-18 $76 tall


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
Blitz TKH-23 110/90H-18 $49 tall
Sport 2000 170/60V-17 wide
Sport 2000 Radial 160/60ZR17 $156 short
Sport 2000 Radial 170/60ZR17 $167 wide


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
D204 Sportmax II ZR 160/60ZR17 $117 short
D204 Sportmax II ZR 170/60ZR17 $120 wide
D205 Sport/Touring 120/70ZR18 $95 exact D205 Sport/Touring 160/70ZR17 $116 exact
D205 Sport/Touring 110/80ZR18 $90 excel
D207 Sportmax 160/60ZR17 $133 short
D207 Sportmax 170/60ZR17 $136 wide
F11 110/90H-18 $72 tall
K505 110/80H-18 $81 excel
K510 160/60VR17 short
K510 170/60VR17 $118 wide
K591 Sport Touring 110/80VB18 $64 excel K591 Sport Touring 160/70VB17 $99 exact


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
Durotour RS-310 110/90H-18 $48 tall


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
ME-33 Laser 110/80H-18 excel
ME-33 Laser 110/80V-18 $90 excel ME-55A Metronic 160/70VB17 $157 exact
ME-880 Marathon 160/70VR17 $132 exact
ME-Z1 120/70ZR18 $104 exact ME-Z1 160/60ZR17 $128 short
ME-Z1 110/80ZR18 $99 excel ME-Z1 170/60ZR17 wide
ME-Z2 120/70ZR18 $96 exact ME-Z2 160/70ZR17 $124 exact
ME-Z2 110/80ZR18 $96 excel
ME-Z3 160/60ZR17 $148 short
ME-Z3 170/60ZR17 $151 wide
ME-Z4 120/70ZR18 exact ME-Z4 160/70ZR17 $147 exact
ME-Z4 110/80ZR18 $122 excel


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
Hi-Sport TX25 160/60ZR17 $181 short
Hi-Sport TX25 170/60ZR17 $185 wide
Macadam 50 110/80V-18 $102 excel Macadam 50 160/70V-17 $140 exact
Macadam 50 110/80H-18 $89 excel
Macadam 90X 110/80ZR18 $86 excel Macadam 90X 160/60ZR17 $109 short
Macadam 90X 170/60ZR17 $118 wide


Front size MAW match Rear size MAW match
Dragon GT MTR03 120/70ZR18 $104 exact Dragon GT MTR04 160/70ZR17 $130 exact
Dragon GT MTR03 110/80ZR18 $100 excel
Dragon GTS MTR23 120/70ZR18 $105 exact Dragon GTS MTR24 160/70ZR17 $137 exact
Dragon GTS MTR23 110/80ZR18 $105 excel
Dragon MTR02 160/60ZR17 $140 short
Dragon MTR02 170/60ZR17 $155 wide
MT75 110/80H-18 excel
Match MT09 110/80V-18 $95 excel
Match MT09 110/80VB18 $100 excel Match MT08 160/70VB17 $133 exact


Exact Precisely matches original spec
Excellent Precisely matches a recommended alternate
Good An exact or alternate in a different sizing system
Short Exact or excellent width, lower profile.  Consider these both ends to lower the bike
Soft Similar diameter by using a taller profile and narrower width; used on the rear only
Tall Taller profile, stock width; similar in effect to "soft", but for the front only
Wide Same profile, wider tyre.  This MAY NOT FIT your rim.  BE CAREFUL!!!