i-0701 / I / Whitestar

Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star(s)
i-0701 C331300-B Lo Ni Po 605 G9 II M9 V

Table of Contents

Section Includes
Referee's Notes Stuff you probably shouldn't read
System Data Detailed information on the system
IFSS Advisories What you must know
IFSS Report Information for travellers

System Data

Primary :: G9 II

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem

1 Secondary 0.08 M9 V
4 world Y9A0000-B 1.06 19.8 0.62 1219 14.6 Re 1227 1214
7 satellite Y430000-B 0.48 26.3 3.13 1185 6.7 Re 1192 1180
9 satellite Y600000-0 1.09 33.1 4.57 1244 10.1 1252 1239
65 satellite Y810000-B 0.88 9.6 88.62 1215 12.8 Re 1222 1210
5 world Y650000-B 0.68 24.9 1.43 908 9.6 Re 911 905
6 satellite Y100000-0 0.13 15.6 2.50 908 1.9 911 905
8 satellite Y200000-B 0.26 35.0 3.85 897 3.2 Re 900 894
11 satellite Y200000-B 0.24 30.4 6.20 874 3.4 Re 877 872
6 world Y470000-0 0.38 31.1 3.61 676 5.8 677 675
7 world Y100000-0 0.11 18.1 9.62 352 1.6
8 gas giant Small GG 1.10 25.6 26.40 63.7
50 satellite H366231-B 0.37 12.5 120.6 66 4.8 Fa Re
9 i-0701 C331300-B 0.10 37.3 73.54 -3 4.5 Lo Ni Po
7 satellite Y100000-0 0.09 29.2 5.28 20 1.0
9 satellite YS00000-B 0.03 25.1 7.70 44 0.3 Re
10 gas giant Small GG 1.44 33.1 206.4 80.5
11 gas giant Large GG 3.40 581.5 272.3
8 satellite Y300000-B 0.11 310.9 9.14 -126 5.0 Re
20 satellite Y420000-0 0.19 17376 36.12 -118 6.7
45 satellite Y100000-B 0.05 29088 121.9 -121 1.0 Re
55 satellite Y552000-B 0.24 11808 164.7 -124 8.3 Re
200 satellite Y200000-0 0.16 28.3 1142 -115 3.2
12 gas giant Small GG 1.93 29.0 1642 111.5
4 satellite Y400000-B 0.16 2.73 -170 6.6 Re
65 satellite Y300000-B 0.11 -115E3 179.0 -161 4.8 Re
175 satellite Y100000-0 0.08 32.0 790.8 -168 1.9
13 gas giant Large GG 4.31 25.0 4639 239.7
11 satellite Y100000-0 0.05 12.24 -197 1.6
13 satellite Y300000-0 0.13 15.73 -200 4.6
35 satellite Y600000-0 0.44 117.3 69.49 -199 9.8
40 satellite YS00000-0 0.03 84.90 -195 1.0
65 satellite Y400000-0 0.30 45984 175.9 -199 6.7

Secondary :: M9 V

IFSS Advisories

IFSS Report

i-0701: a Description